Page:Wha Katy Did Next - Coolidge (1886).djvu/162

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"Celle-là?" answered the old woman whom she had addressed. "Mais c'est la Pension Suisse."

"A pension; why, that means a boarding-house," cried Katy. "What fun it must be to board there!"

"Well, why should n't we board there!" said her friend. "You know we meant to look for rooms as soon as we were rested and had found out a little about the place. Let us walk on and see what the Pension Suisse is like. If the inside is as pleasant as the outside, we could not do better, I should think."

"Oh, I do hope all the rooms are not already taken," said Katy, who had fallen in love at first sight with the Pension Suisse. She felt quite oppressed with anxiety as they rang the bell.

The Pension Suisse proved to be quite as charming inside as out. The thick stone walls made deep sills and embrasures for the casement windows, which were furnished with red cushions to serve as seats and lounging-places. Every window seemed to command