Page:What's O'Clock.djvu/132

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what's o'clock
Her feet, which caught the sliding spray of light,
Appeared to tread on gold. Neron beheld
Them, bitter bearded king, mighty in power,
And gentle queen all weariful repose.
The light moved on and Neron saw no more.
Who pees they? Neron plagued his memory
For some stray fact he might have heard of them.
But nothing came. He probed a curious mind
Into the reason for their banishment
To this lost corner whence no one had climbed
For desert lengths of years; he did not know
How long he had himself been there, death-long
He thought, and tallied up his distant dreams
As glittering from the other side of life.
Day after day he pondered why so late
He had encountered them. His wisp of light
Fell always to a line; but this was fact
Which baffled speculation. His own dreams
Fogged to a hueless essence, here was more