Page:What's O'Clock.djvu/138

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what's o'clock
Where flesh creates the everlasting world.
But there the bearded king broke in upon them,
The king whose dream would never enter Neron's.
When Neron saw that thorny face, he leapt
To hide it from the queen. Calling his dream,
He strode upon the king, and the dream followed
Inch by inch after him, close as a shadow.
But Neron's dream was mighty with fulfilment,
It strove with the king's dream, and he and Neron
Stood each beside his dream and urged it forward
With shouts and cries. The battle roared between them.
The king's dream crowded down on Neron's dream
To smother it. But Neron's dream arose,
Flinging the king's dream off, and towered up
Tremendous in its brilliance. Then the king,
To save his dream, threw his black beard upon it,
The heaviness of hair shut out the brilliance,
At which his dream, revived to fearful fury,