Page:What Katy Did at School - Coolidge (1876).djvu/124

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never found out that they were funny. All Rose's chairs had been borrowed for the occasion. Three girls sat on the bed, and three on the floor. With a little squeezing, there was plenty of room for everybody.

Katy was chosen President, and requested to take the rocking-chair as a sign of office. This she did with much dignity, and proceeded to read the Constitution and By-Laws of the Society, which had been drawn up by Rose Red, and copied on an immense sheet of blue paper.

They ran thus:—

Constitution of The Society for the Suppression of Unladylike Conduct, known to the Uninitiated as the S. S. U. C.

Article I.

The object of this Society is twofold: it combines having a good time with the pursuit of Virtue.

Article II.

The good time is to take place once a week in No. 6 Quaker Row, between the hours of four and six p. m.