Page:What Katy Did at School - Coolidge (1876).djvu/235

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rats in it; but I don't believe her. Elsie has got a new friend. Her name is Helen Gibbs. She's quite pretty.

"Your affectionate brother,


P.S.—John wants to put in a note."

John's note was written in a round hand, as easy to read as print.

"Dear Clover,—I am well, and hope you are the same. I wish you would write me a letter of my own. I go to school with Elsie now. We write compossizions. They are hard to write. We don't go up into the loft half so much as we used to when you ware at home. Mrs. Worrett came to dinner last week. She says she ways two hundred and atey pounds. I should think it would be dredful to way that. I only way 76. My head comes up to the mark on the door where you ware mesured when you ware twelve. Isn't that tal? Good-bye. I send a kiss to Katy.

"Your loving


After they had finished this note, Katy went away, leaving Clover to open Clarence's letter