Page:What Katy Did at School - Coolidge (1876).djvu/267

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"Do you really and truly know a Count?" asked Bella, backing away from Rose with eyes as big as saucers.

"Know Antonio de Vallambrosa! I should think I did," replied Rose. "Nobody in this country knows him so well, I fancy."

"And he wrote that for you?"

"How else could it get into my book, goosey?"

This was unanswerable; and Rose was installed from that time forward in the minds of Bella and the rest as a heroine of the first water. Katy, however, knew better; and the first time she caught Rose alone she attacked her on the subject.

"Now, Rosy-Posy, confess. Who wrote all those absurd autographs in your book?"

"Absurd autographs! What can you mean?"

"All those Counts and things. No, it's no use. You shan't wriggle away till you tell me."

"Oh, Antonio and dear Potemkin, do you mean them?"

"Yes, of course I do."

"And you really want to know?"


"And will swear not to tell?"
