Page:Where Animals Talk (West African folk lore tales).djvu/136

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said to him, "You, Etoli, are young; go you, and inquire." They also decided that, "Whoever goes shall not go by land along the beach, but by sea." (This they said, in order to prove the messenger's strength and perseverance; whether he would dally by the way ashore, or paddle steadily by sea.) Also, they told Rat that, in going, he should take one of the fruits of the tree in his hand, so that Boa might know it. So, Rat took the Bojabi fruit, stepped into a canoe, and began to paddle. He started about sun-rise in the morning. In the middle of the afternoon, he arrived at his journey's end.

He entered into the reception-room of Boa's house, and found him sitting there. Boa welcomed him, and said to his wife, "Prepare food for our guest, Etoli!" And he said to Rat, "Stranger! eat! And then you will tell me what is the message you have brought."

Rat ate and finished, and began to tell his message thus:—He said, "In our country we have nothing there but hunger. But there is there a tree, and this is its fruit. Whether it is fit to be eaten or not, you will tell us." Boa replied, "That tree is Bojabi; this fruit is Njabi; and it is to be eaten."

Then the day darkened to night. And they slept their sleep.

And then the next day broke.

And Boa said to Rat, "Begin your journey, Etoli! The name of the tree is Bojabi. Do not forget it!"

Rat stepped into his canoe, and began to paddle. He reached his country late in the afternoon. He landed. And he remained a little while on the beach, dragging the canoe ashore. So occupied was he in doing this, that he forgot the tree's name. Then he went up into the town. The tribes of All-the-Beasts met him, exclaiming, "Tell us! tell us!" Rat confessed, "I have forgotten the name just this very now." Then, in their disappointment, they all beat him.

On another day, they said to Porcupine, "Ngomba! go you!" But they warned Rat, "If Ngomba brings the name, you, Etoli, shall not eat of the fruit."

Porcupine made his journey also by sea, and came to the town of Boa. When Porcupine had stated his errand, Boa told him, "The tree's name is Bojabi. Now, go!"