Page:Where the Dead Men Lie.djvu/86

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Never a scratch or a mark!
No, and not even a tear!
Little hands feeling their way through the dark . . .
What if that other should be stiff and stark?
‘Here I am, Tippy! quite near—
Oh, dear!’
Then came the answer: ‘I'm here!’

Crouched in the mouth of a drive,
Tippy sobbed out his delight—
Not so much hurt, after all—quite alive:
Almost convinced that no harm could arrive
Now that Tuck’s arms clasped him tight.
Then the light
Died slowly, and lo! it was Night.


Above—the flag blows to the air:
Sad parents seek vainly and weep:
There are lights ’mid the thistles, and cries of despair:
A rifle cracks loudly, and bonfires glare . . .
Below—where the blind creatures creep,
Hidden deep,
Two pretty babes smile in their sleep.