Page:White - The natural history of Selborne, and the naturalist's calendar, 1879.djvu/354

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P. 6. “Custodia Prioratus de Seleburne vacantis,” committed by the bishop to Nicholas de la —————, a layman, it belonging to the bishop, “ratione vacationis ejusdem,” in July, 1324, ibid. “negotium electionis de Selebourne. Acta coram Johanne Episcopo, &c. 1324 in negotio electionis de fratre Waltero de Insula concanonico prioratus de Selebourne,” lately elected by the subprior and convent, by way of scrutiny; that it appeared to the bishop, by certificate from the dean of Alton, that solemn citation and proclamation had been made in the church of the convent where the election was held that any who opposed the said election or elected should appear. Some difficulties were started, which the bishop overruled, and confirmed the election, and admitted the new prior sub hac forma:—

“In Dei nomine Amen. Ego Johannes permissione divina, &c. te Walterum de Insula ecclesie de Selebourne nostre dioceseos nostrique patronatus vacantis, canonicum et cantorem, virum utique providum, et discretum, literarum scientia preditum, vita moribus et conversatione merito commendatum, in ordine sacerdotali et etate legitima constitutum, de legitimo matrimonio procreatum, in ordine et religione Sancti Augustini de Selebourne expresse professum, in spiritualibus et temporalibus circumspectum, jure nobis hac devoluto in hac parte, in dicte ecclesie de Selebourne perfectum priorem; curam et administrationem ejusdem tibi in spiritualibus et temporalibus committentes. Dat. apud Selebourne XIII. kalend. Augusti anno supradicto.”

There follows an order to the sub-prior and convent pro obedientia:

A mandate to Nicholas above-named to release the priory to the new prior:

A mandate for the induction of the new prior.