Page:White - The natural history of Selborne, and the naturalist's calendar, 1879.djvu/365

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hac parte, Thomas Halyborne, mox tunc ibidem, before the clergy and people of both sexes solemnly published the election in vulgari. Then Richard Elstede, and the whole convent by their proctors and nuncios appointed for the purposes, Thomas Halyborne and John Stepe, required several times the assent of the elected; “et tandem post diutinas interpellationes, et deliberationes, et deliberationem providam penes se habitam, in hac parte divine nolens, ut asseruit, resistere voluntati,” within the limited time he signified his acceptance in the usual written form of words. The bishop is then supplicated to confirm their election, and do the needful, under common seal, in the chapter-house. November 14th, 1410.

The bishop, January 6th, 1410, apud Esher in camera inferiori, declared the election duly made, and ordered the new prior to be inducted, for this the archdeacon of Winchester was written to; “stallumque in choro, et locum in capitulo juxta morem preteriti temporis,” to be assigned to him, and everything beside necessary to be done.

Beaufort’s Register,” Vol. I.

P. 2. Taxatio spiritualis Decanatus de Aulton, Ecclesia de Selebourn, cum Capella, xxx marc. decima xlib. iii. fol. Vicaria de Selebourn non taxatur propter exilitatem.

P. 9. Taxatio bonorum temporalium religiosorum in Archidiac. Wynton.

Prior de Selebourn habet meneria de

Bromdene taxat. ad ..... xxx’s. ii d.
Apud Schete ad ...... xvii’s.
P. Selebourne ad . . . . . . vi lib.
In civitate Wynton de reddit . . . . vi lib. viii ob.
Tannaria sua taxat ad . . . . x lib. s.
Summa tax. xxxviii lib. xiiii d. ob. inde decima. vi lib. s. q. ob.