Page:White - The natural history of Selborne, and the naturalist's calendar, 1879.djvu/380

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choice of Peter Berne, for whom he had conceived the greatest esteem and regard.

When Prior Berne first relinquished his priorship, he returned again to his former condition of canon, in which he continued for some years; but when he was re-chosen, and had abdicated a second time, we find him in a forlorn state, and in danger of being reduced to beggary, had not the Bishop of Winchester interposed in his favour, and with great humanity insisted on a provision for him for life. The reason for this difference seems to have been, that, in the first case, though in years, he might have been hale and capable of taking his share in the duty of the convent; in the second he was broken with age, and no longer equal to the functions of a canon.

Impressed with this idea, the bishop very benevolently interceded in his favour, and laid his injunctions on the new-elected prior in the following manner:

Fol. 56. “In Dei nomine Amen. Nos Willmus, &c., considerantes Petrum Berne,” late prior, “in administratione spiritualium et temporalium prioratus laudabiliter vixisse et rexisse; ipsumque senio et corporis debilitate confractum; ne in opprobrium religionis mendicari cogatur;—eidem annuam pensionem a Domino Johanne Sharpe, alias Glastonbury, priore moderno,” and his successors, and, from the priory or church, to be paid every year during his life, “de voluntate et ex consensu expressis” of the said John Sharp, “sub ea que sequitur forma verborum—assignamus:”

1st. That the said prior and his successors, for the time being, honeste exhibebunt of the fruits and profits of the priorship, “eidem esculenta et poculenta,” while he remained in the priory,” “sub consimili portione eorundem prout convenientur priori,” for the time being, ministrari contigerit; and in like manner uni famulo, whom he should choose to wait on him, as to the servientibus of the prior.

Item. “Invenient seu exhibebunt eidem unam honestam cameram,” in the priory, “cum socalibus necessariis seu opportunis ad eundem.”

Item. We will, ordain, etc, to the said P. Berne an annual