Page:White - The natural history of Selborne, and the naturalist's calendar, 1879.djvu/395

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A priory of black canons, founded by the often-mentioned Peter de Rupibus, Bishop of Winchester, A. D. 1233, and dedicated to the blessed Virgin Mary; but was suppressed, and granted to William Wainfleet, Bishop of Winchester, who made it part of the endowment of St. Mary Magdalene College in Oxford. The Bishops of Winchester were patrons of it. [Pat. 17, Edward II.] Vide. Mon. Ang. tom ii. p. 343. "Cartam fundationis ex ipso autographo in archivis Coll. Magd. Oxon. ubi etiam conservata sunt registra, cartæ, rentali et alia munimenta ad hunc prioratum spectantia.

"Extracta quædam e registro MSS. in bibl. Bodl.—Dodworth vol. 89, f. 140.

“Cart, antiq. N. N. n. 33. P. P. n. 48. et. 71. Q. Q. n. 40. plac. coram justit. itin. [Southampton] 20. Hen. rot. 25. De eccl, de Basing & Basingstoke. Plac. de juratis apud Winton. 40 Hen. III. rot.—Protecta molendini de Strete. Cart. 54. Hen. III. m. 3. [De mercatu, & feria apud Seleborne, a mistake.] Pat. 9. Edw. I. m.—Pat. 30. Edw. I. m.—Pat 33. Edw. I. p. i. m.—Pat. 35. Edw. I. m.—Pat. i. Edw. II. p. i. m. 9. Pat. 5. Edw. II. p. i. m. 21. De terris in Achanger. Pat. 6. Edw. II. p. i. m. 7 de. eisdem. Brev. in Scacc. 6. Edw. II. Pasch. rot. 8. Pat 17. Edw. II. p. i. m.—Cart. 10. Edw. III. n. 24. Quod terræ suæ in Ssleburn, Achangre, Norton, Basings, Basingstoke, an Nately, sint de afforestatæ, and pro aliis libertatibus. Pat. 12. Edw. III. p. 3. m. 3.—Pat. 10. Edw. III. p. i. m.—Cart. 18. Edw, III. n. 24.”

“N. N. 33. Rex concessit quod prior, et canonici de Seleburn habeant per terras suas de Seleburne, Achangre, Norton, Brompden, Basinges, Basingstoke, & Nately, diversas libertates.

"P. P. 48. Quod prior de Seleburne, habeat terras suas quietas de vasto, et regardo.”—Extracts from Ayloffe’s Calendars of Ancient Charters.

"Placita de juratis & assis coram Salom de Roff, & sociis suis justic. itiner. apud Wvnton in comitatu Sutht.—anno regni R.