Page:White - The natural history of Selborne, and the naturalist's calendar, 1879.djvu/464

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To the end of September, warm with frequent showers. To the end of October, frequent rain. To 18th November, dry, mild weather. (Hay-making finished November 9th, and the wheat harvest November 14th.) To December 23rd, rain. To the end of the year, hard frost.

1786. To the 7th January, frost and snow. To January 13th, mild with much rain. To 21st January, deep snow. To February nth, mild with frequent rains. To 21st February, dry, with high winds. To 10th March, hard frost. To 13th April, wet, with intervals of frost. To the end of April, dry mild weather. On the 1st and 2nd May, thick ice. To 10th May, heavy rain. To June 14th, fine warm dry weather. From the 8th to the 11th July, heavy showers. To October 13th, warm, with frequent showers. To October 19th, ice. To October 24th, mild pleasant weather. To November 3rd, frost. To December 16th, rain, with a few detached days of frost. To the end of the year frost and snow.

1787. To January 24th, dark, moist, mild weather. To January 28th, frost and snow. To February 10th, mild showery weather. To February 28th, dry, cool weather. To March 10th, stormy with driving rain. To March 24th, bright frosty weather. To the end of April mild, with frequent rain. To May 22nd, fine bright weather. To the end of June, mostly warm, with frequent showers (on June 7th, ice as thick as a crown piece). To the end of July, hot and sultry, with copious rain. To the end of September, hot dry weather, with occasional showers. To November 23rd, mild, with light frosts and rain. To the end of November, hard frost. To December 21st, still and mild, with rain. To the end of the year, frost.

1788. To January 13th, mild and wet. To January 18th, frost. To the end of the month, dry windy weather. To the end of February, frosty, with frequent showers. To March 14th, hard frost. To the end of March, dark, harsh weather, with frequent showers. To April 4th, windy, with showers. To the end of May, bright, dry, warm weather, with a few occasional showers. From June 28th to July 17th, heavy rains. To August 12th, hot dry weather. To the end of September, alternate showers and