Page:White - The natural history of Selborne, and the naturalist's calendar, 1879.djvu/480

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Chinese holly-oak (alcea rosea) fl. Oct. 19 July 7, Aug. 21.
Hen chaffinches congregate Oct. 20, Dec 31 . Oct 23 Dec 27
Royston crow (corvus cornix) returns Oct. 23, Nov. 29 Oct. 13, Nov. 17, last seen April 15.
Snipe (scolopax gallinago) returns Oct. 25, Nov. 20 Sept. 29, Nov. 11, last seen April 14.
Tortoise begins to bury himself Oct. 27, Nov. 26.
Rooks (corvus frugilegus) return to their nest-trees Oct. 31, Dec. 25 June 29, Oct. 20.
Bucks grunt Nov. 1.
Primrose (primula vulgaris) fl. Nov. 10. Oct. 7, Dec. 30.
Green whistling plover ap. Nov. 13, 14.
Helvella mitra, ap Nov. 16.
Greenfinches flock Nov. 27.
Hepatica fl. Nov. 30, Dec. 29 Feb. 19.
Furze (ulex europæus) fl. Dec. 4–21 Dec. 16–31.
Polyanthus (primula polyanthus) fl. Dec. 7–16 Dec. 31.
Young lambs dropped Dec. 11–27. Dec. 12, Feb. 21.
Moles work in throwing up hillocks Dec. 12–23.
Helleborus fœtidus, fl. Dec. 14–30.
Daisy (bellis perennis) fl. Dec. 15 Dec. 26–31.
Wall-flower (cheiranthus cheiri seu fruticulosus of Smith) fl. Dec. 15 Nov. 5.
Mezereon, fl. Dec. 15.
Snowdrop, fl Dec. 29.
In sese vertitur annus.