Page:White - The natural history of Selborne, and the naturalist's calendar, 1879.djvu/490

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  • Diver, Great Northern, 395
  • Dog, Chinese, 268
  • Echo, 223
  • Eel, 37
  • Empedes, 420
  • Earth-worms, 423
  • Fairy rings, 432
  • Falco peregrinus, 34, 36, 266
  • Fern-owl, 104, 399
  • Ferret, 51
  • Fern-chafer, 114
  • Fieldfare, 86, 90
  • Fish, gold, 259
    Fish mode of dying, 259
  • Flies, 420
  • Fly-catcher, 31,57, 116
  • Fossils, 9
  • Food of birds, 117, 152
  • Freestone, II
  • Fog, 207
  • Frog, 59
  • Frozen sleet, 434
  • Frost, partial, 433
  • Game at Selborne, 13
  • Geology of Selborne, 6
  • Gibraltar, birds from, 98
  • Gipsies, 199
  • Glow-worm, 423
  • Goatsucker, 104, 399
  • Gold-crest, 58
  • Gossamer, 195
  • Grasshopper warbler, 30, 113
  • Grosbeak, 37
  • Hanger, 464
  • Hare, white, 87
  • Harvest-bug, 100
  • Harvest-mouse, 42, 49
  • Hawk, sparrow, 113, 123
  • Heath fires, 22
  • Hedgehog, 88
  • Heliotrope, 241
  • Hen harrier, 113, 393
  • Heronry, 74
  • Hog, 213
  • Hollow lanes, 13
  • Honey dew, 434
  • Hoopoe, 37
  • Hops, 430
  • Horse, 408
  • Hounds, 408
  • House-martins, 39, 105, 167, 255, 261
  • Humming in the air, 410
  • Humming-bird moth, 416
  • Ichneumon fly, 418
  • Idiot boy and bees, 204
  • Insects, observations on, 409
  • Introduction, ix
  • Invitation to Selborne, 461
  • Instinct, 263
  • Ivy berries, 429
  • Jackdaw, 72
  • Kestrel, 113
  • Lampern, 37
  • Landrail, 390
  • Landslip, 242
  • Leprosy, 219
  • Lime-tree, 429
  • Linnet, 47
  • Lizard, 70, 77
  • Loach, 65
  • Martin, house, 39, 105, 167, 249, 261
    Martinsand, 181, 402
  • Mayfly, 415
  • Meteorological observations, 433
  • Migration, 151, 78
  • Miller's thumb. 37
  • Missel-thrush. 194
  • Mist, 434
  • Moose-deer, 91
  • Morning clouds, 435
  • Musical pitch of bird notes, 154
  • Naturalist's walk, 81
  • Newt, 60, 61
  • Nightingale, 113
  • Night-jar, 75, 104
  • Nuthatch, 57
  • Oak, 8
  • Œstrus curvicauda, 418
  • Osprey, 107
  • Otter, 94
  • Ousel, water, 146
    Ouselring, 68, 79, 105
  • Owl, brown, 38, 166
    Owl white, or barn, 163
  • Partridge, 18, 388
  • Peacock, 103