Page:White - The natural history of Selborne, and the naturalist's calendar, 1879.djvu/492

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  • Frontispiece (facing title)
  • Beech, 4
  • Elm, 7
  • Partridge, 18
  • Black grouse, 19
  • Red deer, 20
  • Wild duck, 26
  • Wild boar, 28
  • Swallow, 29
  • Spotted fly-catcher, 31
  • Blackcap, 32
  • Water-rat, 30
  • Snipe, 33
  • Common rat, 34
  • Hoopoe, 36
  • Grosbeak, 37
  • Crossbill, 38
  • Miller's thumb, 38
  • House martin, 39
  • Pipistrelle bat, 40
  • Harvest-mouse and nest, 42
  • Waxwing, 43
  • Chaffinch, 46
  • Linnet, 47
  • Quail, 47
  • Wheatear, 48
  • Weasel, 51
  • Polecat, 52
  • Bullfinch, 53
  • Curlew, 55
  • Chiff-chaff, 56
  • Nuthatch, 58
  • Metamorphosis of Newt, 61
  • Viper, 62
  • Ringed snake, 62
  • Blindworm, 63
  • Knot sandpiper, 69
  • Puffin, 71
  • Heron, 74
  • Nightjar, 75
  • Silkworm-moth, 76
  • Fieldfare, 85
  • Brambling, 86
  • Hedgehog, 89
  • Otter, 94
  • Peacock, 102
  • Osprey, 107
  • Shrike, 108
  • Woodpigeon, 109
  • Whinchat, 109
  • Lapwing, 110
  • Nightingale, 112
  • Carp, 115
  • Whitethroat, 116
  • Gold-crest, 118
  • Longtailed tit and nest, 119
  • Blue titmouse, 120
  • Sparrow-hawk, 122
  • Stock-dove, 124
  • Great bustard, 136
  • Cuckoo, 139
  • Redwing, 141
  • Woodcock, 149
  • Tortoise, 159
  • Barn-owl, 164
  • Brown-owl, 165
  • Sand-martin, 182
  • Swift, 187
  • Missel-thrush, 194
  • Gipsies, 200
  • Shrew, 206
  • Raven, 234
  • Magpie, 235
  • Jay, 235
  • Moor-hen, 236
  • Coot, 237
  • House-cricket, 248
  • Mole-cricket, 250
  • Squirrel, 264
  • Peregrine falcon, 267
  • Landrail, 391
  • Hen harrier, 393
  • Great Northern Diver, 395
  • Wryneck, 406
  • May-flies, 415
  • Convolvulus hawk-moth, 416
  • Lime-tree aphis, 421
  • Snails and slugs, 424

Richard Clay & Sons, Limited, London & Bungay.
