Page:White and Hopkins--The mystery.djvu/13

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  2. "And you know a heap too much" Frontispiece
  4. A schooner comporting herself in a manner uncommon on the Pacific 14
  5. A man who was a bit of a mechanic was set to work to open the chest 30
  6. "Where we goin'?" "I brefer not to say". 60
  7. Slowly the man defined himself as a shape takes form in a fog 74
  8. "The spirit of the wild beast, cowed but snarling still" 94
  9. "These sheep had become as wild as deer" 136
  10. "Drop it, you fool!" 142
  11. "I jerked out the short-barrelled Colt and turned it loose in their faces" 168
  12. "You good fellowsh, ain't you?" 172
  13. The firing now became miscellaneous. No one paid any attention to any one else 186
  14. With a strangled cry the sailor cast the shirt from him 222
  15. The finding of the two slabs 236
  16. "Sorry not to have met you at the door," he said courteously 250
  17. "It was my duty to follow on and drag him away when he fell unconscious" 266
  18. He floated the model in the tub 284
