Page:Who's Who in India Supplement 1 (1912).djvu/184

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SARDAR SINGH, THAKUR, Rao Bahadur, Thakur of Bakhtgarh State, Central India, is a Rajput-Puar, and suc- ceeded to his estates in August, 1892. His territory has an area of 65^ square miles, and a population of about 7,800. It is situated in the State of Dhar, and is in the Bhopawar Agency. The Thakur was granted his title on the occasion of the recent Coronation Durbar. Address: Bakhtgarh, Central India.

GOVINDRAO Gangaram Matkar Bahadur, Rao Bahadur, General, Commander-in-Chief of the Indore State Army and Member of the Council of Regency of the State, was granted his title on the occasion of the recent Coronation Durbar, in recognition of his great services to the State. Address: Indore, Central India.

SETURAMJI Puar, Shrimant, Rao Bahadur, was granted his title on the occasion of the recent Coronation Durbar. Address : Dhar State, Central India.

Bapu Rao Anand Puar, Rao Bahadur, Subah of Tawar- ghar, Gwalior State, received his title on the occasion of the recent Coronation Durbar, in recognition of his services to the state. Address: Tavvargarh, Gwalior, Central India.

Kandarp Sen, Raja, Rao Bahadur, First Class Tazimi Istimrardar, was granted his title on the occasion of the recent Coronation Durbar in recognition of his public services. Address: Ajmer, Rajputana.

Raghubir Singh, Dhau Bakhshi, Rao Bahadur, Member of Council, Bharatpur State, received his title on the occasion of the recent Coronation Durbar, in recognition of his public services. Address: Bharatpur, Rajputana.

Hari SlNGH, Thakur, Rao Bahadur, received his title on the occasion of the recent Coronation Durbar, in recogni- tion of his public services. Address: Mahajan, Bikanir State, Rajputana.