Page:Who's Who in India Supplement 1 (1912).djvu/301

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While the Supplement to " Who's Who in India" was in the hands of the binders, the following honours were announced in a " Gazette Extraordinary" dated 13th June, 1912.

C. S. I. Mr. Abbas AH Baig, Member, Coun- cil of India. Honorary Major Sahibzada Obaid- ullah Khan, Commandant, Bhopal Im- perial Surviee Troops. Mr. Pazhamarcheri Sundaram Siva- swami Aiyar, Ordinary Member of Council, Madras. Diuan Bahadur Chaube Raghunath Das, Hi wan of Kotah State, Rajputana. K. C. I. E. His Highness the Maharaja of Dun- garpur, Rajputana. The Honourable Nawab Bahram Khan, head of the Mazari tribe, Dehra Ghazi Khan District. C. I. E. Mr. Anaswami Mudaliar, Bangalore. Dr. Profulla Chandra Ray, Educa- tional Service, Calcutta. Khan Bahadur Mohammad Israr Hosain Khan, Judicial Minister, Bhopal. Rai Bahadur Pandit Hari Kishan Kaul, Punjab Commission. KNIGHTHOOD. Mr. Jag Mohandas Varjiwandas, Merchant and Banker, Bombay. Mr. Justice Sankaran Nair, Madras. KAISAR-I-HIND GOLD MEDAL. Dr. T. Madhava Nair, Madras. Mr. Abdus Hamad Khan of Rampur. His Highness Raja Malhar Rao Baba Saheb Puar of Dewas State (Junior). Mr. Sitaram Narayan Pandit, Bar- at-Law of Rajkot. KAISAR-I-HIND SILVER MEDAL. Babu Parbati Charan Sarkar, Dinaj- pur District. Babu Baroda Sundar Pal, Tippera District. Rao Saheb Daji Ramchandra, Sub- ordinate Medical Service. Babu Bhajan Lai, Municipal Com- missioner, Ajmer. Khan Abdul Majid Khan, Pathan, of Jullundur. Mr. Ganesh Krishna Chitale, Ah- mednagar. Professor Dhondo Kehav Karve, Puoiia. Mudaliar, Provincial Provinces. IMPERIAL SERVICE ORDER. Babu Charu Chandra Goswami, Re- gistrar, Assam Secretariat. Nawab Saiyid Mohammad, Inspec- tor-General of Registration, Bengal. Mohammad Aziz-ud-din Husain, Sa- heb Bahadur, Collector and Magistrate of South Arcot. Mr. Chingleput Ratna Chief Interpreter, Madras. Babu Smaran Lai, Executive Service, United Rao Bahadur Kashinath Keshao, Thakur, Session Judge, Nagpur. Mr. Isa Charan Chandu Lai, Punjab Provincial Civil Service. Rao Bahadur Vithalrai Himatram, Daftardar, Kathiavvar Agency. Khan Bahadur Saiyid Shams-ud-din, Saiyid Mian Kadri, Oriental Translator to Government, Bombay. Mr. Godrej Sorabjee Pudumjee, Deputy Accountant-General, Bombay.' HONORARY RANK OF MAJOR. Nawab Mohammad Nasrulla Khan, eldest son of H. H. the Be^um of Bhopal. MAHARAJA. The Raja of Hetampur, Birbhum. RAJA, AS HEREDITARY DISTINCTION. Raja Raghuraj Singh of Mankapur, Gonda. RAJA, AS PERSONAL DISTINCTION. Sir Jyoti Persad Singh Dey of Manbhum. Maharaj Kumar Gopal Lai Ray of Rangpur. Thakur Kushalpal Singh of Kotla, Agra. Shaikh garh. NAWAB. Ahmad Husain of Partab- MAHAMAHOPADHYAYA. Brahma Sri Sundara Sastrial of Tanjore. • A SHAMS-t I. II.AMA. Maulvi Abu Mohammad Abdul Haq Delhi.