Page:Who's Who in India Supplement 1 (1912).djvu/37

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"In token of his appreciation of the Imperial Service Troops, certain supernumerary appointments in the Order of British India will be made in the exercise of his Royal and imperial clemency and compassion.

"His Most Excellent Majesty has been graciously pleased to ordain that certain prisoners now suffering the penalty of the law for crimes and misdemeanours shall be released from imprisonment and that all those civil debtors not in prison, whose debts may be small and due not to fraud but to real poverty, shall be discharged and that their debts shall be paid.

"The persons by whom, and the terms and conditions on which these grants, concessions and benefactors shall be enjoyed, will be hereafter declared.


A flourish of trumpets followed this wonderful list of favours, and the Herald, raising his helmet, called for three cheers for His Majesty then three more for the Queen-Empress. The response to these welcome requests was astounding, and the cheering could be heard for miles.

Their Imperial Majesties then returned in stately procession to the Durbar Shamiana. The King-Emperor, standing in front of his Throne, made the following pronouncement, before which all previous utterances by His Majesty seemed cast in the shade.


"We are pleased to announce to Our people that on the advice of Our Ministers tendered after consultation with Our Governor-General in Council. We have decided upon the transfer of the seat of the Government of India from Calcutta to the ancient capital of Delhi, and simultaneously and as a consequence of that transfer, the creation at as early a date as possible of a Governorship for the Presidency of Bengal, of a new Lieutenant-Governorship in Council administering the areas of Behar, Chota Nagpur and Orissa and of a Chief Commissionership of Assam, with such administrative changes and redistribution of boundaries as Our Governor-General