Page:Who's Who in India Supplement 2 (1914).djvu/22

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Sir Pramada Charan Banarji, The Honorable Justice—B.A., B.L., Puisne Judge of the High Court of Judicature, North-Western Provinces, was knighted in June, 1913, in recognition of his long and unblemished services extending over 30 years—also see page 72A, Part IV, of the Principal work. Address: Allahabad.

M. R. Ry. Annu Chidambara Pranatharthirhara Aiyar, Avergal, B.A., Rao Bahadur, Inspector of Schools, Madras. In recognition of his long and meritorious services he was appointed a Companion of the Imperial Service Order in June, 1913. For further particulars see page 113 of the 1st Supplement of Who's Who in India. Address: Madras.

Kutub-ud-din, Khan Bahadur; Superintendent of the Rajnandgaon State, Central Provinces. In recognition of his long and loyal services he was appointed a Companion of the Imperial Service Order in June, 1913: (See also page 37, Part VI of the Principal work. Address: Raj Nandgaon State.

Kushal Pal Singh, the Hon'ble Raja—M.A., L.L.B., L.L.D., PH. D. of Kotla, is the acknowledged head of the Jadav Rajputs in the Province of Agra. He is descended from Bijai Pal of the Karauli family. Raja Harkishan Das, the sixth in descent from Raja Tulsi Das who received from the Emperor Aurangzeb the title of Bahadur, acquired the villages of Phariha and Kotla as well as a large tract of the neighbouring country but most of this was lost again in 1784, when Harkishan Das's son was killed in a vain effort to resist the advance of Scindia. Later on, Raja Ishwari Singh, the then representative of the family, transferred his services to Lord Lake who, as is well-known, retrieved the fortunes of the British army and inflicted a crushing defeat on Jaswant Rao Holker. In October, 1804, Holker laid siege to Delhi and on the approach of Lord Lake he crossed the Jumna and determined to ravage the Doab with fire and sword. Lord Lake set out in hot pursuit and it was then that Raja Ishwari Singh and his son Sumer Singh supplied Lord