Page:Who's who in China 3e.djvu/104

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General Che Ch'ing-yun

General Ch'e Ch'ing-yun was born at Ching Chow, Chihli, in 1881, and was a member of a well-known family. He received a thorough education in Chinese in his youth. The defeat of China suffered in the Sino-Japanese War in 1895, led General Ch'e to realize the importance of military improvement in China and then he determined to make himself a soldier. Two years later Yuan Shih-kai started to train troops at Hsiao-Chan, the birth place of the Peiyang Army, General Ch'e was enlisted in the engineering regiment where he subsequently gained the knowledge of gunnery and surveying. His graduation fell in the year of the Boxer Rising (1900. He was detailed to report on the condition and operation of the Allied Troops. Following the signing of the Protocol, the allied Troops were all withdrawn with the exception of the Russian