Page:Who's who in China 3e.djvu/154

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his colleagues being Quo Tai-chi and C. T. Wang. Mr. Chen was sent as a technical delegate in the Southern section of the Chinese delegation to the Peace Conference at Paris in 1919. He prepared some of the principal documents of the delegation, including an important memorandum which set forth China's case for the abrogation of the treaties and not 28 connected with Japan's Twenty-One Demands. The late Dr. George E. Morrison, who was attached to the delegation as a political advisor, declared that this memorandum was the ablest state paper which the Chinese delegation had submitteed for the consideration of the Peace Conference. After the Peace Conference, Mr. Chen went to London and visited various centers of continental Europe, investigating post-war conditions and studying, on the spot, the political and economic problems arising out of the vast litter and profound changes caused by the war. After an absence of nearly three years in America and Europe, Mr. Chen returned to China in the summer 1920. On his arrival at Canton, President Sun Yat-sen immediately appointed him to an important office. Late in 1924 when Dr. Sun Yat-sen gave up his post at Canton, he was accompanied by Mr. Chen.