Page:Who's who in China 3e.djvu/204

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Mr. Sok-tsu G King


(Chin Shao-chi)

Sho-tsu G. King, was born at Nanziang, Chekiang, in 1886. He received his early education under private tutors at home. In 1902 he went to England for higher education, in company with his two elder brothers. Upon his arrival in London, he joined King's College and specialized in electric engineering. He spent one year as an apprentice in the General Electric Company where he received practical training in electrical engineering. Mr. King returned to China in 1905. After a rest for one year, he went to North China, organized the electric department in the Technical School of the Board of Commerce at Peking, and became its first professor. At the request of Tang Wen-chih, at the time Vice-Min-