Page:Who's who in China 3e.djvu/240

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concurrently appointed Minister of the Interior in June 1919 upon the resignation of Chien Nun-hsun from the Ministry and the Premiership. In December 1920 he was relieved of the concurrent post. Mr. Chu was a strong supporter of the Anfu Clique. After the resignation of Mr. Chien as Premier, his party nominated him for the premiership. But the nomination was objected to by the President and the anti-Anfu factions and it was therefore not submitted to Parliament for approval. In July 1920, after the downfall of Anfu as a result of Chihli-Anfu strife, all the Anfu members in the Cabinet were dismissed, including Mr. Chu. In the same month he was deprived of all honors and offices that he had hitherto received and ordered to be arrested for trial. He fled to the legation for quite a long time and later escaped to Tientsin. He was pardoned in December 1923 and now he is a resident in Tientsin.