Page:Who's who in China 3e.djvu/255

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Dr. Chung Shih-ming


Dr. Chung Shih-ming; was born at Tientsin in 1880. He obtained his middle school education from the Tientsin Government High School which he entered in 1901. In April 1903 he was admitted to the Pei Yang University where he studied for three years. In 1906 Dr. Chung was sent to America for higher education at government expenses. In the United States he attended Harvard University and graduated in September 1908 with the degree of B. A. He took post-graduate work in the same university and was given the degree of M. A. in November 1909. On his way back to China, by way of Siberia, he was instructed by the Chinese government to visit all the leading European countries and study their political conditions. In February 1910 Dr. Chung was appointed a member of the technical education department of the Chihli Educational Administration, and concurrently was professor of English in the High Industrial College