Page:Who's who in China 3e.djvu/290

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later promoted to the position of Military Commissioner of Ningpo and Taichow, Chekiang. General Ho was made acting Defense Commissioner of Shanghai and Sunkiang when General Lu Yung-hsiang was promoted to the Tuchunship of Chekiang province, and his successful discharge of the duties assigned won for him the permanent occupancy of the position, the confirmation of which came late in 1920. The life of General Ho has been one of service, he having been mentioned a number of times in military orders and dispatches for his loyalty and heroic conduct. His troops are widely known for the excellence of their discipline. His handling of the position which he occupied during his tenure of office as acting Defense Commissenior in a number of trying incidents in the districts of Shanghai and Sunkiang won for him the friendship and praise of foreigners and Chinese aliike. In January 1920, General Ho received the First Order of Tashou; in September 1920, the second Order of Tashou Paokuang; in October 1920, the First Order of Tashou Paokuang; in May 1921, the Third Order of Merit; in January 1922, the brevet rank of Full General; and in October 1923, Second Order of Merit. Following the defeat of Marshal Lu Yung-hsiang of Chekiang province in the war which began between Chekiang and Kiangsu provinces in September 1924, General Ho was forced to relinquish his position of Defense Commissioner of Shanghai and go to Japan.. However, when the Anfu-Fengtien party was successful at the conclusion of this war, General Ho returned to Shanghai, where he is now residing.