Page:Who's who in China 3e.djvu/513

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negotiations with the Japanese Delegation so that the Shantung question might be disposed of to Japan's satisfaction in Peking. In spite of several refutations made by Mr. Liang, the officials of Kiangsu, Kiangsi, Hupei, Shantung, Honan and Shensi, on January 19, 1922 jointly demanded the dismissal of Mr. Liang, threatening to break connection with Peking should the demands be neglected. On the 25th Mr. Liang left Peking. After the Chihli-Fengtien War which took place near Peking in May 1922 and resulted in the defeat of Fengtien. Mr. Liang became a political refugee in south. Mr. Liang made an extensive trip to Europe and America during the first part of 1922 and returned to China in the summer of this year. He is at present residing at Hongkong.