Page:Who's who in China 3e.djvu/571

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Mr. Lu Cheng-hsiang


Mr. Lu Cheng-hsiang, was born at Shanghai in 1870. Receiving his first education at the Language School in the Kiangnan Arsenal, he was sent to the Tung Wen Kwan College in Peking for his post-graduate work. One year after his post-graduation, he was sent to the Chinese Legation at Petrograd as interpreter in 1890. In 1892 he was promoted to be attache, and in 1893 secretary. He was afterwards deputed to accompany the Chinese Envoy Extraordinary to the coronation of the Tsar. In 1899 Minister Lu was appointed to represent China at the Hague Conference. He was made Minister to the Netherlands in 1905. When the second Hague Conference convened, he was again appointed China's delegate. During his second term as Chinese Minister to Holland in 1908, he negotiated the Consular Convention with that country. In the revolutionary year of 1911, he was sent to the Hague to exchange ratifications of this Convention, and thence proceeded to Petrograd to undertake negotiations with the Russian government for the revision of the Treaty of 1891. At the same