Page:Who's who in China 3e.djvu/629

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General P'an Chu-ying


General Pan Chu-ying was born at Tsining, Shantung Province in 1876. He received first grade military education in a military school in Shantung. In 1904 General Pan was sent to Japan by the Imperial government among the fourth group of the Chinese military students, to study in the Military Officers' Academy in Tokyo. Upon returning to China after graduation from the Academy, General P’an joined the army and received gradual promotion. In the last days of the Manchu regime, he was commander of the 20th Imperial Army Division stationed in Manchuria. After the establishment of the Republic, General Pan became Commander of the 20th Division of the National Army. In April 1914 he was appointed Acting Chiangchun of Suiyuan Special Area. In June the denomination of the highest officer of the special areas was changed