Page:Who's who in China 3e.djvu/758

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the National Teachers' College in Nanking, who urged him to be the head of the Department of Agriculture of this college. In 1921 when the Teachers' College was reorganized into the Southeastern University, this Department became the College of Agriculture and Mr. Tsou was appointed Dean. In the same year he was elected the Chief Manager of the Joint Administration for Kiangsu Education and Industry. The next year he called the National Agricultural Convention at Tsinan. About 270 agricultural men from various parts of China were present at the meeting to devise means for agricultural improvement and to solve important agricultural problems. During the meeting Mr. Tsou held the chair and, when the meeting was over, he was elected the chairman of the executive committee. In addition to the important positions mentioned above, Mr. Tsou is now holding the following offices: chief manager of the Chinese Agricultural Society, member of the National Association for the Advancement of Chinese Education and the vice-chairman of the Committee of Vocational Education of the said Association, member of the National Association Education of China and chairman of the Committee of Agriculture of the same Association, member of the Provincial Agricultural Society of Kiangsu and of its Legislative Department, member of the Science Association of China, member of the Chinese World Student Association, and member of the Plant Pathology Club of the United States. Mr. Tsou is also a noted agricultural writer. His two books, "Agricultural Problems in China” and “Text-book of Higher Botany" were published in Chinese by the Commercial Press, Ltd. Other writings on Chinese agriculture and agricultural education are found in the following publications: Agricultural Science, New Education, Vocational Education, China Weekly Review, China Press, etc.