Page:Who's who in China 3e.djvu/788

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to hold concurrently the post of Chief of the Bureau for the preparation of the Special Tariff Revision Commission. On December 11, he was appointed to act as Prime Minister. In January 1923, when the Cabinet underwent a change, he was appointed Acting Minister of Justice. But this post he held only for a week. In the same month he was appointed a member of the Educational Sinking Funds Commission. In February 1923 he was awarded the First Class Wenfu. In March 1923 he was ordered to make preparation for the Sino-Russian Negotiation. In November 1923 Dr. Wang was commissioned to visit Japan making investigations of the conditions of Chinese students and merchants after the earthquake. After his return from Japan, he commenced the Sino-Russian Negotiation with Mr. Kharahan, the Soviet Envoy at Peking. In March 1924 Dr. Wang signed with Mr. Karahan, the preliminary of the Sino-Russian Treaty. But question was then raised as to his authority of signing the preliminary, agreement without referring to the Cabinet. He was attacked by his opponents as a result of which the Sino-Russian Negotiation was subsequently taken over by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Shortly after this, he accepted the post of managing director of the Liu Ho Kou Coal Mining Company. Following the defeat of the Chihli party by the Anfu-Fengtien combination caused by the coup d'etat by the Christian General Feng Yu-hsiang, Dr. C. T. Wang served for a time as acting Premier and Minister of Foreign Affairs in the temporary government established by General Feng, prior to the organization of the Provisional government headed by Marshal Tuan Chi-jui. In February 1925, Dr. Wang was again appointed by the Peking government to conduct the Sino-Russian negotiations.