Page:Who's who in China 3e.djvu/798

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ture and Commerce. Mr. Wang was given the post of Senior Secretary in the new Ministry. Later Mr. Wang was promoted to be a Councillor of the Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce, becoming concurrently the Curator of the Commercial Museum of the Ministry. In December 1918 Mr. Wang was appointed by the Ministry to study the post-war industrial conditions in Europe and America. He was at the same time awarded the Second Class Paokuang Chiaho Decoration. When the Peace Conference was held in Paris in the first part of 1919, Mr. Wang was with the Chinese Delegation as technical expert. In January 1920 Mr. Wang received the Second Class Wen-bu Decoration. In January 1921 he was given the Second Class Tashou Paokuang Chiaho and at the same time appointed a Director of the Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce, in charge of the Department of Industry and Commerce. In August 1921 Mr. Wang was appointed to be concurrently the government superintendent of the Bank of Agriculture and Commerce which position he is still holding. In September 1921 he was appointed Technical Expert of the Chinese Delegation to the Washington Conference. Subsequently to his return from the Washington Conference, Mr. Wang was appointed Vice-President of the Commission for the Discussion of Customs Tariff Revision. In November 1922 he was awarded the Second Class Tashou Chiaho Decoration. In January 1923, Mr. Wang received another concurrent position as a Member of the Bureau for the Preparation of the calling of the Special Conference for the Revision of the Customs Tariff. In February 1923 he became Vice-President of the Commission for the Revision of the Commercial and Industrial Laws. Besides holding the posts of Director of the Ministry and Superintendent of the Bank of Agriculture and Commerce, Mr. Wang has been for many years a Member of the Advisory Council of the Government Immigration Bureau. Mr. Wang has also been registered with the Cabinet as an official qualified to be Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to a foreign country. Mr. Wang is wearer of the First Class Gold Medal of the Ministry of Finance and also of the First Class Medal of the Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce.