Page:Who's who in China 3e.djvu/85

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Administration. In December that year he received the Fourth Order of Chiaho. In January 1919 Mr. Chang was ordered to act for the Salt Commissioner of Szechuan and later was appointed to that position which he held for over two years. In January 1921 Mr. Chang received the Second Order of Chiaho. In June 1921 he resigned from the Szechuan post. In August of the same year he was appointed Salt Commissioner of Hotung (Shansi). This new position he held until January 1922 when he was appointed Financial Commissioner of Kansu. In February 1922 Mr. Chang was appointed Deputy Director to the Kiangsu Government Bank. In June 1922 he was appointed superintendent of the Soochow Customs. In August he was appointed Vice-Minister of Finance, and also as Chief of the Salt Administration and Inspector General of the Salt Inspectorate then he also acted as Minister of Finance. In September he was transferred to become President of the Commission for the Study of China's Finance. In March 1192.3 Mr. Chang was awarded the First Order of Wenfu. In the same month he was appointed Director-General of the Currency Administration. In May 1923 he was appointed Acting Minister of Finance and Director General of Salt Administration which positions he held until July 10, 1923.