Page:Who's who in China 3e.djvu/852

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Mr. Wang Yu-lin


Mr. Wang Yu-ling was born at Hangchow, Chekiang province, in 1879. He is a returned student from Japan where he studied Law in the Government Law College. After his return to China, Mr. Wang became a translator in the Eupei Agricultural Bureau. After some time he went to Peking where he first accepted the post of compiler of the Commercial Gazette in the Board of Commerce. The other positions Mr. Wang held under the Ching regime were those of Deputy-Judge of the Second Civil Department of the Supreme Court and Senior Compiler of the Law Codification Office. Mr. Wang was a Councillor of the Law Department of the Nanking Provisional government. From August to September, 1912, he was Vice-Minister of Justice. Yuan Shih-kai having dissolved the First Parliament in January 1914 created a new advisory body called Tsan-cheng Yuan in