Page:Who's who in China 3e.djvu/944

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Dr. Yen Te-ching


Dr. Yen Te-ching, better known as Strong Yen, was born at Shanghai in 1878. He studied at the Anglo-Chinese School. Shanghai, during 1889-93; at the Tung Wen College, Shanghai, during 1893-95; at St. Xaviers' School, Shanghai, during 1895-96. He went to America by way of Europe in 1896 to study with private support. From 1896 to 1898 he prepared for College at Episcopal High School, Virginia. He studied Engineering at the University of Virginia, 1898-99; and at Lehigh University, 1899-1901, graduating from it with the degree of C. E. in 1901, being the first Chinese graduate from that institution. He was awarded a gold medal for excellence in mathematics in 1898. He was member of the Mandalin Club, 1899-1901 and was with Min. R. R. and Mining Company, in the summer of 1900 and with the American Bridge Company and Pencoyd Steel Works, 1901-02. Dr. Yen returned to China in July 1902. From 1902 to 1904, he was connected with the Canton-Hankow Railway successively serving as assistant engineer, superintendent of grading, assistant district engineer and resident engineer. In 1904 Sheng Kung-pao who was then the director-general of Railways appointed him consulting engineering of the Imperial Railway Administration, Shanghai. In 1995 he joined the Shanghai-Nanking Railway as assistant engineer for the Chinkiang-Nanking Section.