Page:Who's who in the Far East, 1906-7, June (IA whoswhoinfareast00hongrich).pdf/310

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Sultanate of Brunei, Aug., 1904. Club: Singapore. Address: Butterworth, Province We11es1ey, Straits Settlements.

SHEWAN, Robert Gordon ( HONGKONG), Merchant;.senior partner in the firm Shewan, Tomes and Co.; b. 1880. Arrived in; was connected with the now defunct firm of Russell and Co., then one of the largest mercantile firms in East; subsequently took over the business of the firm and founded the existing establishment of Shewan, Tomes and Co.; was elected a member of the Legislative Council in the interests of the. Chamber of Commerce in 1902 and sat until April, 1906, when resigned in order to go abroad; is a director in several local companies. Clubs: Hongkong; Jockey, and most sporting clubs. Address: St. George's Building, the Praya, Hongkong.

SHIBATA, Kamon (TOKYO), Chief Secretary of Cabinet; b. 1861, at Kanazawa. Educ.: Tokyo Univ. Appointed Councillor of Home Office, 1886: Secretary of Cabinet, 1889; Director of Local Adm. Bureau, Home Office, 1895; transferred to present post,-1903. Address: Tokyo, Japan.

SHIH-HSU (PEKING), Grand Secretary; native of Manchuria. Director of Imperial Armoury, March, 1895; Comptroller of the Household, July, 1890; Sub-Chancellor, Grand Secretariat, Nov., 1899; junior Vice-Preadt. Board of Works, Feb., 1900; Presdt. Mongolian Superintendency, Feb., 1901; Presdt., Board of Ceremonies, March, 1901; Lieut.-General, I Ma in Red Banner Corps, spring. 1901; Presdt., Board of Civil Office. Oct., 1903; Vice-Comm., Peking Octroi, Sept., 1904; Asst. Grand Secretary, Nov., 1904; Grand See. July, 1905.


SHIMADA, Saburo (TOKYO), M.P.; Editor and proprietor of "Mainichi"; b. in Tokyo, Oct., 1852. Was connected with a daily journal published in Tokyo, 1874; for some years was in Japanese Government service; has sat in Lower House since 1st session; was formerly Vice-Pres. of House. Publications: " How Japan was opened to Foreign Intercourse." etc. Address: Tokyo, Japan.

SHIMAMURA, Rear-Admiral Hayao (TOKYO), Commander-in-chief of Training Squadron; b. Sept., 1858, at Tosa. Was a staff Lieutenant in Chino-Japanese War; promoted to a command on its termination: attached to Italian Legation, 1896; Commander of " Suma " and saw.service during Boxer trouble; on outbreak of war with Russia was chosen by Admiral Togo as his chief of staff, with rank of Rear-Admiral; in Battle of Tsushima commanded detatchment of armoured cruisers; visited Australia in command of training squadron, 1906. Address: Tokyo, Japan.

SHIMOSE, Masuchika (TOKYO), Prof, of Applied Chemistry; 6.. Dec. 1C, 1859; m. Katsuchiyo Numi. Educ.: Imperial College of Engineering,