Page:Who's who in the Far East, 1906-7, June (IA whoswhoinfareast00hongrich).pdf/317

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mission centres in cities of Yun Meng and Yengshan, l884-95; Collaborated with Rev. Griffith John in pioneer work in Hunan, and the establishment of mission centres at Uengchow, Siangtan and Changsha, 1897-1902; Superintended the districts of Hwang-pi, Hwangan and Hwang-kang in Hupeh, 1897-1906 (during this period over tU churches were established and about 2000 persons baptised); with five others explored the higher valley of the Lu-shan range near Kiukiaug, the exploration resulting in the founding of the Kuling Sanatorium, 1894; member of Kuling Council, 1899-1905 (Chairman 1902-05); member of spec, committee which secured extension of Kuliug Estate, 1904; Principal of London Mission Normal School, Hankow. Publications: "Christianity and the Religions of China," "Outline life of Christ," etc. Address: London Mission, Hankow, China.


SPOONER, Charles Edwin (KUALA LUMPUR), C.M.G., M.I.C.E.; General Manager, Federated Malay States Railways; b. Nov. 22, 1853. Connected with Survey and Public Works Department, Ceylon, 1875-1892; seconded as State Engineer, Selangor, 1891; appointed State Engineer, 1892; General Manager of Federated Malay States Railways, since 1901. Address: Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, Federated Malay States.

SPROULE, Percy Julian (SINGAPORE), B.A., Cambridge; F.M.S. Civil Service. Barrister-at-law, Middle Temple; cadet, Straits Settlements, Nov., 1896; acting Deputy Registrar of Supreme Court, Penang, March, 1897; passed final examination in Malay, March, 1899; after filling various positions was appointed Deputy Public Prosecutor, Singapore, 1906. Club: Singapore. Address: Singapore, Straits Settlements.

SQUIBBS, Dr. Walter (MIENJUH), L.R.C.P., Edinburgh, L.R.C.S., Edinburgh, L.F.P. and S., Glasgow; Medical Missionary; b. Oct. 19, 1873; m. 1901, Meriel Catherine, e. d. of Rev. Gowan Ghmour, Arehdeacon of Rousseau, Ont., Canada, and g. d. of Sir Nicholas Aylward, of Shankhill Castle, Co. Kilkenny. Educ.: Dr. Morgan's,Grammar School, Bridgwater; London Uuiversity, Gold Medallist and Sen. Scholar in Anatomy, Edinburgh, School of Medicine, 1893; Pattison Bursar. Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh, 1894. Demonstrator, Edinburgh School of Medicine, 1894; Prosector, Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh, 1894; joined Church Mission Society, 1896; ordained Deacon by Bishop of London, 1901; ordained Priest by Bishop of West China, 1903. Address: Church Mission Society Mienjuh, Chungking, China.

STANLEY, Rev. Charles A. (TIENTSIN), M.A., D.D.; Clergyman and Missionary; b. June 24, 1835; m. Feb. 19, 1862. Educ.: Marietta