Page:Who are the quacks?.djvu/16

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uncertainty of their remedies, but they are fully cognizant of the falsity of their Physiological and Pathological dogmas. They equally are, or should be, aware that their whole doctrines are founded upon Nosological, Pathological, Speculative and Experimental Theories instead of normal standards.

Allopathy, Homeopathy, Electropathy, Physiopathy, Kinesipathy, Motorpathy, Hydropathy, and all other pathies are indicative of "quackery," as well as Eclecticism, which has no principles at all, being a random-shot affair throughout. Pathy, signifies nosis or disease. We may dissect these Medical terms and give their legitimate meaning.

Allopathy—Allo, meaning opposite or contrary, and pathy—disease, means curing the original complaint by producing an opposite drug-disease. And thus a new disease is induced often more grievous than the first, as though the devil which had been cast out, had brought with it "seven other spirits more wicked than itself."

Homeopathy—Homeo, signifying similar, and pathy, disease, naturally implies a Similar complaint, as though to fall down stairs and break your neck, is merely indicative that you must repeat the neckbreak operation, and the cure is complete.

Electropathy, Electro, Electricity, and pathy—disease, signifies an Electric-disease. All that is necessary here, is to make a hobby of Electricity, run a few streaks of lightning through you, and come out thoroughly galvanized.

Kinesipathy or Motorpathy—Kinesi or Motor, meaning movement or exercise, and pathy, disease, signifying Exercise-disease. The pre-requisite to this fulfilment is to trot or gallop a person from 10 to 20 miles before breakfast, and twist and screw him in all possible shapes to incite action of torpid parts.

Hydropathy, Hydro—referring to water and pathy, disease, signifying water-disease. This is a very effectual plan for growing young ducks.

All that the water doctor need do, is to souse, dip, plunge and soak his patient in very cold water, and wrap and pack him until the heat of the body is well nigh extracted, or every vital part drowned, and the patient frozen as stiff as a poker, when soaking in hot water will thaw his refrigerated organism, and too truly a water-disease is induced more grievous than the first. We are very sorry to assert, that we have too many so-called "Water-Cure Physicians" who misuse and abuse this vital agent to such a shameful extent, that all the good which would arise from a judicious administration of water in disease, is entirely lost sight of, and hence the term Water-Cure is despised by the masses of the people, which is the legitimate result of ignorant charlatans, who are just as far from practising a true, Physiological or Hygienic "Healing Science," as Demonism is from Saintship, or Heaven from Perdition.

Eclecticism means combining all the pathies, or "disease-producing" systems of healing, and swallowing all the salubrious Medicamentums in Christendom. Thus, slightly touching off the "big-gun" with "Dr. Leibig's Combustion Phenomena," bespattering the whole world with the nasty conglomerated agencies; wise-looks, technical gibberishness and balderdash which signifies nothing more or less than fake medicine, eat, drink and sleep—what then? why take medicine, eat, drink and sleep again.

Truly—too truly such is the truth, and real conditions of matters and things in regard to that sweet, and most glorious thing, called