Page:Whole proceedings of Jockey and Maggy (3).pdf/22

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my poor lassie coudna done war than she's done, O, gin she had yielded her body to some bit hird laddie he wad a seen her lang or now.

Mith. A dear Marion, what wad ye be at? Do ye thiuk that our John, wha has a wife o's ain, cou'd come and wait on her as if she were a dame of honour, or yet an honest man's wife; poor silly lown it she is; gin he had thought on what he was com'd o', he wad ne'er ha'e offered benevolence to the like o' her.

Marion. Gin ye had been as great an iustrogator against his making her double ribbet, as ye're now against doing her justice for the filthy himcrack he's gien her, ye wadna need to ca' her silly lown the day, and him an honest man. But ne'er an honest man wad hod'ld sae lang on ae poor hizzie, an then gane awa' and a married anither for love of a pickle auld clouts, an twa or three pockfu's o' tow; and she but a silly loun indeed, that lute him or ony rattlescull else, shak their tail sae lang upon her, without his faith, and his troth, and his fist before the minister.

Mith. A cauld be your cast kimmer, do you think it your dadeling daughter's a match fit for my son John: I think less may sair, her father was but a poor cotter carle, and our John's father was a farmer; and altho' they hae fa'en foul o' ither, I think nae sairly o't, its but a trick o' youth, and the course of youdeth maun be out; but she may thank good fortune, and tell her friends, ay, an count it credit that ever she bore a bystart to the like o' him; a good, fu', fat farmer's son, but ae step higher nor a laird.

Mar. A wae be to sic a credit it's no worth the cracking o'; and whar was a' his noble equals whan he be't to lay a leg on a my poor lassie, poor clatty cluny it tu is? and if they ware na ae Hand's mak I wad think naething o t; for there warna a needle o' differ between their daddies: and what ware they baith but twa sticket taylors at the best? ye had as good a gane hame and counted your bowkail-stocks, as come here to count kindred wi' me.

Jock. Hut awa' daft witless wives, I kinna what ye're flyting about; I wad rather see the wean gin it be ony thing wally and like the warld.

Mar. Indeed sall ye John, you'll see your ain picture for little siller; a muckle mouth't several it is, just like yoursel.

(The child is presented.)

Jock. Mither, mither it has a muckle mouth just like mine, and sees wi' baith its e'en, and bit five days auld yet.