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As they were coming from the Market.


Jockey. Hey Maggy wilt thou stay and tak kent fouk hame wi' ye the night?

Maggy. Wiltu come awa' than Johnny, I fain wad be hame or the kye come in; our meikle Riggy is sic a rumbling royte, she rins ay thro' the byre, and sticks a' the bits o' couties; my mither is na able to haud her to her ain stake.

Jock. Hute, we'll be hame in bra' time woman; And how is a' your fouks at hame.

Mag. Indeed I canna well tell you, man, our guidame is a' gane wi' the gut; my mither is very frail, my father he's ay wandering about and widdling amang the beasts.

Jock. But Maggy, they tell me we're gawn to get a wedding of thee and Andrew Merrymouth, the laird's gard ner.

Mag. Na, na, he maun hae a brawer lass to be his wife than the like o' me; but auld Tammy Tailtrees was seeking me: my father wad ha' hacn me tak him, but my mither wadna let; there was an odd debate about it. My guidame wad ha' sticked my mither wi' the grape, if my father hadna' chanc'd to founder her wi' the beetle.

Jock. Hech, woman! I think your father was a fool for fashing wi' him, auld slavery duse, he wants naething of a cow but the clutes: your guidame may tak him hersel; twa auld tottering stumps, the tane may fair the tither fu' well.

Mag. Ach man! I wad hae taen thee or ony body to hane them greed again: my father held my guidame's nose, and my guidame brake my mither's thumb; the neighbour's came a'rinning in, but I had luck to haud my father's hands till yence my guidame plotted him wi' the broe that was to make our brose.

Jock. Dear Maggy, I hae something to tell you, an ye wadna he angry at it.

Mag. O Johnny, there's my hand I'se no be angry at it, be what it will.

(Shake hands for fear of an Outcast.)

Jock. Indeed Maggy, the fouk of your town and the fouk of our town say, we are gawn to be married; What say'st thou?

Mag.I wish we ne'er do war, O Johnny! I dream'd o' you lang syne, and I liket you ay after that.