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beer on the Laird's Bawsey, and he's as bilshy a beast as is in the barony.

Mag. Ay, but my mither is ay angry at ony body that evens themselves to me, an it binna them she likes; indeed she bade me tak ony body if it were na auld tot'ring Tommie; for his beard is a brown wi' sucking tobacco, and slavers a' the breast o' his jacket.

Jock. O Maggy! tak me an I'll tell you what I hae; first, my father left me when he died, fifty merks, twa sacks, twa pair o' sunks; the hens, an the gawn gear were to be divided between me and my mither; and if she died first, a' her gear was to come in among mine; and if I died before her, a' my gear was to come back to her again, and her to marry anither man if she could get him. But since it's happened sae, she is to gie me Brucky and the black Mare, the ha'f o' the cogs, three spoons, four pair o' blankets and ca n'as; she's to big twa beys to her ain gable to be a dwelling house to me and my wife; and I'm to get the wee byre at the end o' the ra' to haud my cow an twa couties: the hafc o' the barn and a bed o' the kailyard as lang as she lives, an when she dies am to pay for the earding o' her honestly; an a' the o'er come is to be my ain. And by that time I'll be as rich as e'er my father was before me.

Mag.Truly, Johnny, I'se no say meikle to the contrair, but gin ye hae a mind to tak me wi' what I hae, tell me either now or never, for I se be married or lang gae.

Jock. I wat well I'm courting in earnest, tell me what you hae, an we'll say no more but marry ither.

Mag. I'se tell you a' I ken o', whate'er my guidame gies ye's get it.

Jock. That's right, I want nae mair, it's an unco thing to marry a naked woman and get nathing but twa bare legs.

Mag. O John, ye're in the right o't, for mony a ane is beguiled and gets neathing, but my father is to gie me forty pounds Scots that night I am married, a lade o' meal, a furlet o' groats; auld Crummie is mine since she was a cafe and now she has a stirk will tak the bill e'er Beltan? yet, I hae twa stane o' good lint, and three pockfu's o' tow, a good ca'fbed, twa bowsters and three cods, with three pair o' blankets, an a covering; forby twa pair to spin, but my mither wadna gie me creesh to them, and ye ken the butter is dear now.

Jock. Then fareweel the night Maggy? the best o' friends maun part, and sae maun thy twa legs yet.