Page:Whole proceedings of Jocky and Maggy's courtship with the great diversion that ensued at their bedding.pdf/3

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Jockey. Hey, Maggy, wiltu stay and tak kent folks hame wi' ye the night.

Maggy. Wiltu come awa' then Johnnie, I fain wad be hame or the kie eome in; our mickle Riggy is sie a rummeling royte she rins aye thro' the byre, and stieks a' the bits of eouties; my mither isna able to hand her up to her ain stake.

Jock. Hute, we'll be hame in braw time woman. And how's a' your folks at hame?

Mag. Indeed I canna weel tell you man; our gude-man is a' gane wi' the gout; my mither is very frail, my father he's aye wandering about, and widdling amang the beasts.

Jock. But dear, Maggy, they tell me we're gaun to get a wedding of thee and Andrew Merrymouth, the Laird's young gardener.

Mag. Na, na, he maun hae a brawer lass to be his wife than the like of me; but auld Tammy Tailtree was seeking me; my father wad a