Page:Whole proceedings of Jocky and Maggy.pdf/11

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A bonny market, ſays his mither, a ſhame fa' you and her baith! he's worthy o' her tho' ſhe were better nor what ſhe is, or e'er will be.

His friends an her friends being in a mixt multitude, ſome took his part, and ſome took her's; there a battle began in the clap of a' hand, being a very fierce tumult, which ended in blood; they ſtruck ſo hard with ſtones ſticks, beetles, and barrow trams, pigs, pots, ſtoups, and trenchers were flying like bombs and hand granades. The crook, bouls and tongues were all employed as weapons of war; till down came the bed wit a mou o' peats. So this diſturbed a' their treading.

The Wonderful Works of our John.

Now house cerimonies of Jockey and Maggy's wedding was ended, when they were fairly beddet before a wheen rattling unrouly witneſſes, who dang down the bed aboon them; the battle ſtill increaſed and John's work's turned out to be very wonderful; for he made Janet, that was his mithir's laſs the laſt year, grow like an elſhin ſhaft, an got his ain Maggy wi' bairn forby.

The hamſheughs were very great until auld uncle Rabby came in to red them, an a ſturdy