Page:Whole proceedings of Jocky and Maggy.pdf/30

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( 30 )

you, was allowed to be married to any woman and you James, who is an elder of that proportion, ſhould have give information of that man's capacity, before he was joined to a wife.

Elder. Indeed ſir, ye ken very well, he anſwered the queſtions at the examine, better than any other fouk, and I think he's beſt married, for he might a gotten mae byſtarts, an a faſht us.

Jock. Indeed ſtir it's very true, for whan ance I got the gate o' women, I coudna bide aff them; but our Maggy was unco cunnen, ſhe wadna let me do naething but kiſs her, an kitle her till ance we was married.

Meſs J. I'll aſk no more queſtions at him. Call on his mother. (In ſhe comes.) Goodwife, we have ordered your ſon to appear three Sabbaths on the ſtool, and there to be reproved before the congregation publicly, and be abſolved from the ſcandal.

Mith. Then the ill thief be in his arſe. Meſs John, gin c'er he ſet his hip upon't: my bairn on your black ſtool! an wadna it be a great blunder on the auld black face o't, to my ſon to gang on't before the young laird who has had twa byſtarts, an ne'er ſet a hip on't yet, an he's continually ridding on the huſſies to this day, an them that wadna' let him, he rives their duds, an kicks their doups. A dear Meſs John, on ye gie gentle fouks a toleration to whore, to fornicate, kiſs, an cuddle a wee wi' ilka body they like, I'll gie you ten nerks an gie't to me an my ſon too.