Page:Whole proceedings of Jocky and Maggy.pdf/39

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( 39 )

to learn that auld trade; I ken very weel when ane gets warklooms right to their hand, nature will teach them how to fa' too.

Jock. Now fare you well Jannet that weans weel worth the warkmanſhip I'll warrand ye, weel I wat iſt.

Jenny. Guidnight wi' you john, but O man thou has broken my fortune, I'll neer get mair o' man nor I hae gotten, dear, dear, hae I ſuffered for what I hae done, an if ye had a beſtowed thy ſelf on a me, ye ſee what a bonny bairn time we wad a haen.

Mith. thou ſays that thous ſuffered ſadly for what thous done, but tho they wad tak thy hide o'er the een holes it wadna take the inclination out o' thee; for thou'll do't again, but it's no be wi' my bairn i'ſe warrand thee, and now johnny come awa' hame to thy hauf marrow, an uſe thy freedom as formerly, thou'll hae weans thick and three faull; I'ſe mak thee a decoction of cock ſtanes, lamb ſtanes, an chicken brue. will gar the cock thy tail like a Galloway toop-

The Vth and laſt PART.
Being an account of Jocky's Mithers death and burrial

AS jocky an his mither came hobling hame together on the outſide of the auld doil'd beaſt, his mithers black mare, a waefu' misfortunr bfel them; Her hinder lots being wickedly wet in john Davies well that morning, an it