Page:Whole proceedings of Jocky and Maggy.pdf/6

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bargain wi' you or nae body, I maun ken o' your things on ye ſall ken of o' mine.

Mag. I ken well what I was to get, and gin my mither like the bargain well, ſhe'll make it better; but an my father be angry at our match I darna meet you to be married.

Jock. I ſee na how he can be angry, I wat well I am a gay ſturday fallow, when I laid on a bow and five pecks o' bear on the laird's Bawſey an he's as bilſhy a beaſt as in a' the barronry.

Mag. Ay but my mither is ay angry at ony body that evens themſelvs to me, an it binna them ſhe likes; indeed ſhe bade me tak ony body, if it warna' auld tottering Tammy, for his beard is ay brown wi' ſucking tobacco, an ſlavers a' the breaſt of his fecket,

Jock. O! Maggy, tak me an I'll tell you what I hae; firſt my father left me when he died fifty merks, twa ſacks, twa pair of ſunks, the hens on a' the gawn gear was to be divided between me and my mither; an if the died firſt a her gear was to come amang mine, an it I died before her, a' my gear was to come back to her again, an her to marry anither man if ſhe could get him. But ſicne its happened ſae, ſhe is to gie me brucky an the black mare, the half o' the cogs, three spoons, four pair o' blankets an a can'as; ſhe's to big twa' beys to her ain gavel, to be a dwelling houſe to me an my wife, I'm to get the byre at the end o' the raw to had my cow an twa cutties, the haf o' the barn, an a bed o' the kail yard as lang as ſhe lives, an when ſhe dies a'm to pay the