Page:Whole prophecies of Scotland, England, Ireland, France & Denmark.pdf/10

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For every man on mold muſt die,
But end he ſhall in the land of Chriſt,
And in the vale of Joſaphet ſhall he be.

The Prophecies of Beid.

BETWIXT the chief of ſummer and ſaid winter,
Before the heat of harveſt happen ſhall a war,
That Europe's lands earneſtly ſhall be wrought,
And earneſt envy ſhall laſt but a while:
But the lion with his luſty flowers,
From harm of heat ſhall hap him with leaves,
Then ſpeed and ſpread him to Spain into winter,
All flowers in the Forth ſhall follow him on.
Callender ſhall cry, Cornwall the noble,
And inherit all Albany at his will,
Envy to all Alliers anon to be worken,
Old Almoſcycains, and Albany the ſame,
Shall recover caſtles and towers out of Saxons' hands,
When Britoners ſhall bear them with brands of ſteel,
There ſhall no baſtard blood bide in theſe lands,
Albanus that time king of the earth;
Albanactus king and lord of the land,
To the lilly ſhall lean, and love none other:
The lion, leader of all beaſts,
Shall lean to the lilly and live him with:
And ſhall ſtir him to ſtrive by the ſtream of Humber,
The ſtepſon of the lion ſturdily of themſelves,
They ſhall ſtart up with ſtrife and ſtir all at once,
And ſtrike down the ſtepſons, and deſtroy them for ever,
Neither love they the lilly nor the lion:
But the lilly ſhall looſe when they leaſt wean:
Then all ſhall happen to the hart, happen as it may,
And the tail of ſummer toward the harveſt,
Be then the lilly ſhall be looſed when they leaſt think,
Then clear king's blood ſhall quake for fear of death,
For Churls ſhall chop off heads of their chief beirns,
And carf of the crowns that Chriſt hath anointed,
All this muſt deſtiny drive to an end.
An eagle of the eaſt, a vent'rous beaſt,
Shall be glad flowers to fang in the firſt ſeaſon,

And ſtir to the ſtepſon, and ſtrike them together.