Page:Whole prophecies of Scotland, England, Ireland, France & Denmark.pdf/17

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Or when shall falſehood go from home?
And laughty blow his horn on hie?
I looked from me not a mile,
And ſaw two knights upon a lee,
They were armed ſeemingly new,
Two croſſes on their breaſts they bare,
And they were clad in diverſe hue,
Of ſundry countries as they were;
The one was red as blood,
Set in a ſhield a dragon keen.
He ſtird his ſteed as he were mad,
With crabbed words ſharp and keen,
Right to the other bairn him by;
His horſe was all of ſilver ſheen!
In it a ramping lion keen,
Seemingly into gold was ſet;
His border of was azure ſheen,
His ſhield was ſhaped right ſeemly,
With ſilk and fable well was plet.
I looked from over a green,
And ſaw a lady on a lee,
That ſuch a one I had never ſeen,
The light of her ſhined ſo high.
Attour the moor whereat ſhe foor,
The fields me thought fair and gree;
She rode upon a ſteed full ſtoor,
That ſuch a one had I ſeldom ſeen;
Her ſteed was white as any milk,
His top, his tail, were both full blue,
A ſad ſaddle ſhowed with ſilk,
As all were gold it glittered ſae:
His harneſing was of ſilk of India,
Set with precious ſtones frae:
He ambled on a noble kind,
Upon her head ſtood crowns three,
Her garments was of gowans gay,
But other colour ſaw none.
A flying fowl then I ſaw,
Light beſide her on a ſtone;
A ſtoop into her hand ſhe bare,
And holy water ſhe had ready,
She ſprinkled the field both here and there,
Said here ſhall many dead corps lie;

At yon bridge upon yon burn,