Page:Whole works of joseph butler.djvu/271

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world, or keep it from growing worse. The good tendency of the method before us is unquestionable. And I think myself obliged to add, that upon a comparison of parishes where charity-schools have been for a considerable time established, with neighbouring ones in like situations, which have had none, the good effects of them, as I am very credibly informed, are most manifest. Notwithstanding, I freely own, that it is extremely difficult to make the necessary comparison in this case, and form a judgment upon them. And a multitude of circumstances must come in to determine, from appearances only, concerning the positive good which is produced by this charity, and the evil which is prevented by it; which last is full as material as the former, and can scarce be estimated at all. But surely there can be no doubt whether it be useful or not to educate children in order, virtue, and religion.

However, suppose, which is yet far from being the case, but suppose it should seem that this undertaking did not answer the expense and trouble of it, in the civil or political way of considering things, what is this to persons who profess to be engaged in it, not only upon mere civil views, but upon moral and Christian ones? We are to do our endeavours to promote virtue and religion amongst men, and leave the success to God: the designs of his providence are answered by these endeavours, "whether they will hear, or whether they will forbear," i.e., whatever be the success of them: and the least success in such endeavours is a great and valuable effect.[1]

From these foregoing observations, duly considered, it will appear, that the objections which have been made against charity-schools, are to be regarded in the same light with those which are made against any other necessary things: for instance, against providing for the sick and the aged poor. Objections in this latter case could be con-

  1. See the Sermon before the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel.